Speech By H.E. Hon. Peter Munya, Governor Of Meru County During The Mashujaa Day Celebrations, 20th October, 2013Oct 20 2013 - I am pleased to join you for the first Mashujaa Day celebrations in Meru County since the devolved government came into being. This is an extremely important day in the calendar of our activities as Kenyans when we reflect on our history and dedicate ourselves to deliver to future generations the aspirations of our nation’s founding fathers. It…
Speech by His Excellency The Governor Peter Munya, Meru County, At The HIV Interactive Forum at KEMUSep 30 2013 - Greetings and acknowledgement of those gathered…. On behalf of the Meru County Government and Residents, and on my own behalf as the Governor of Meru County… l welcome you to Meru County. We feel greatly honoured that National AIDS Control Council (NACC), UNAIDS and other partners in the HIV sub-Sector has chosen to visit and hold an…
Speech delivered by His Excellency Peter Munya, Governor for Meru County during the Meru County Marathon September 29, 2013Sep 29 2013 - The Senator, Meru County, the Meru County Representatives, the Assembly Speaker, Investors, members of the Provincial Administration, invited Guests, Ladies & Gentlemen: I am delighted today to join brilliant men and women from this great county during this special sporting event. Ladies and Gentlemen:.today is not a day to speak about…
Speech delivered by His Excellency Peter Munya, Governor for Meru County during a press conference held on September 23, 2013Sep 23 2013 - Members of the press, Ladies & Gentlemen: Today is a special day in my political career; after months of waiting, I am delighted today to stand in front of all of you men and women from this great county on this day. I first of all thank the almighty God, my supporters, friends and family who stood with me during the entire legal process.…
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