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MUNYA OPENS THITHA POLYTECHNIC IGEMBE CENTRALApr 11 2017 - Governor Munya commissioned a training workshop for Thitha Vocational Training Center and the Kalankware Primary School ECDE classroom. These projects are fully funded by the county government.
Munya Commissions New Water Treatment PlantApr 11 2017 - Governor Peter Munya commissioned the new augmented MEWASS water treatment plant. With increased capacities from 4,150 to 10,000 cubic meters of water,the plant will go a long way in addressing the problem of intermittent water supply in Meru Town and it's environs. My Government remains committed to provision of clean and safe drinking water to…
IGEMBE NORTH INVESTMENT MEETINGApr 07 2017 - Igembe North diaspora investment meeting explored the achievements of the county and delivered projects in the sub county over the last 4 years. The event was organized by the County Microfinance corporation & investment and development corporation.
REMARKS BY GOVERNOR PETER MUNYA DURING THE OPENING OF KIKAO KIKUU FORUM AT MERU POLYTECHNICApr 29 2016 - Chairman of the Communications Authority of Kenya, Deputy Governor, County Commissioner, Members of the County Assembly, Officials from the National and County Government, Staff of the Communications Authority of Kenya, Members of the Media, Meru County residents, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is indeed an honour and…
GOVERNORS CUP: FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT KICKS OFF THIS WEEKEND.Feb 17 2016 - By Mutugi Seth, Friday, February 20, 2016 - Meru County Governors cup tournament will kick off this weekend at Maili Tatu stadium.Governor Peter Munya will preside over the ceremony that will usher in a new era in football in the county. The Sports Executive Joy Muriungi is optimistic on the future as her department rolls out one…
GOVERNOR MUNYA SET TO VISIT BUURI SUB - COUNTYJan 19 2016 - By Mutugi Seth, Thursday, January 19, 2016 - Governor Munya is set to make a two-day official visit to the Buuri Sub County to open various development projects starting on January 20. On Wednesday Governor Munya begins his tour by opening an ultra modern ECDE classroom at Mujujune primary school before heading to Kiirua market where he will…
MERU COUNTY MICRO FINANCE STARTS OPERATIONSJan 14 2016 - By Mutugi Seth, Thursday, January 14, 2016 - Governor Peter Munya on Wednesday opened Meru County Micro finance initial branch in Maua town.He will also open the Meru town branch on friday. The newest micro lender in the market will exclusively serve micro entrepreneurs through group - based model in the vast county. ''Our Government will…
FULL SPEECH BY GOVERNOR PETER MUNYA DURING THE STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS AT THE COUNTY ASSEMBLYDec 03 2015 - STATE OF COUNTY ADDRESS PRESENTED TO THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF MERU BY H.E. HON. PETER G. MUNYA, EGH, THE GOVERNOR OF MERU COUNTY Mr. Speaker, It is my pleasure to present to this Honorable Assembly the state of affairs for our beloved County. As I stand here today, I am humbled by the task ahead of all of us, grateful for the trust this Assembly…
AGAINST ALL ODDS: HOW CONSTRUCTION OF PROBASE ROADS IN MERU BECAME A REALITY.Nov 27 2015 - By Mutugi Seth, Tuesday, November 27, 2015 - When Governor Munya assumed office in 2013 he was well aware Infrastructure is the backbone of any growing economy. He had aspired to set Meru County on the growth path. Sadly the sector was underfunded making it impossible to embark on ambitious infrastructural projects. Due to his urge to…
FIRST LADY PHOEBE MUNYA HONOURED BY KLANov 27 2015 - By Mutugi Seth, Tuesday, November 27, 2015 - The First Lady Phoebe Munya was honoured by Kenya Library Association on Thursday 26th November for her efforts to promote reading culture through her "Meru First Lady Reading Club"campaign. Speaking at the event held at Meru Slopes Hotel Dr Tirong arap Tanui the Kenya Library Association…
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