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Drilling Of The 32nd BoreholeJul 24 2023 - The County Government of Meru under the leadership of H.E. Governor Bishop Kawira Mwangaza, is committed to ensure provision of water for domestic, livestock and irrigation use for the larger percentage of the population in Meru County. This is in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, which calls for…
Meru County Government's vision is to ensure Sustainable Development for Meru County.Jul 13 2023 - Meru County Government's vision is to ensure Sustainable Development for Meru County. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, calls for availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Meru County Government under the leadership of H.E. Bishop Kawira Mwangaza has sunk 31 boreholes and…
Sustainable Development Goal (Sdg) 6: Clean Water And SanitationJul 07 2023 - Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, calls for availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Meru County Government under the leadership of H.E. Bishop Kawira Mwangaza has drilled boreholes in different areas across the county, an endeavor that aims to ensure that every household has…
Ensuring Healthy Lives And Promoting Well-beingJul 07 2023 - The county government of Meru links it development plans to other set development agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals meant to be achieved by 2030. One of the targets set to be achieved by SDG 3; Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, calls for governments to ensure that by 2030, neonatal mortality rates…
Meru County To Host The 10th Edition Of Kenya Inter County Sports And Cultural Association (KICOSCA)Jul 03 2023 - Kenya Inter County Sports and Cultural Association (KICOSCA) 10th Edition will be hosted in Meru County themed 'Celebrating Devolution through Sports and Culture'. KICOSCA tournaments brings together teams from all 47 counties, an important platform that promotes inter county integration and cohesion.
Governor Kawira Mwangaza Is Devoted To Ensure Inclusion Of People With Disabilities In Sharing Of Public Resources.Jul 03 2023 - Kibuline Poultry Model Village, a registered group of a hundred members, in Mbeu Ward, Tigania West Sub-County, benefited with animal feeds miller and a mixer from H.E. Governor Bishop Kawira Mwangaza's administration in partnership with development partners. Further, local registered groups including that of people living with disabilities…
Commitment To Empower And Sustain Assistance To Self-help GroupsJul 03 2023 - H.E. Governor Bishop Kawira Mwangaza, successfully distributed sorghum threshers and motorized sprayers to Kimachia Community-Based Organisation in Nkomo Ward, demonstrating a commitment to empower and sustain assistance to self-help groups for their advancement. In addition, sports jerseys and soccer balls were issued to the youth in an effort…
Supporting the livelihood of Meru people.Jul 01 2023 - The county government of Meru under the leadership of H.E. Governor Bishop Kawira Mwangaza, is committed to support and uplift the livelihoods of the people in the county in a bid to facilitate sustenance of economic growth. A prod by the county government in the agricultural and livestock production, assures farmers of continued support hence…
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6Jun 29 2023 - Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, calls for availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Meru County Government under the leadership of H.E. Bishop Kawira Mwangaza has drilled boreholes in different
H.E. Governor Bishop Kawira Mwangaza continues to walk her water agenda in Meru CountyJun 29 2023 - H.E. Governor Bishop Kawira Mwangaza continues to walk her water agenda in Meru County. Governor Mwangaza distributed water pipes to water projects in Rwanyange, Nyaki East Ward to ensure sustainable access to clean water for every household.
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