Kiraitu Starts Restructuring His Government

In the first of a series of action on the recommendations of the HR audit carried out by Deloitte Consulting Ltd, we wish to communicate the following: 1) That all those serving as Ward Administrators as at 18th August 2017 have been retained and are required to report to the CECM Legal Affairs, Public Service Management & Administration on Wednesday, 26th Jan 2018 at 9.00am for redeployment to their new stations. 2) That the services of over 1030 casual workers - who cost the county government Ksh 15Million every month - are with effect 31st Jan 2018 terminated, upon full payment of their outstanding salaries. Going forward, casual workers will be recruited by relevant departments on a need basis. 3) That the about 1783 members of staff who failed to show up for the head-count have been granted an extension of up to the 31st Jan 2018 to present themselves to the CECM Legal Affairs, Public Service Management & Administration, failure to which their names will be struck from the payroll without further notice. 4) That Mr Samuel Muriithi Mutiria, who has been director at the Meru County Alcoholic Drinks Control Board, has been appointed to act as director in the department of Legal Affairs, Public Service Management & Administration with immediate effect. With consultations on the contents of the Deloitte report still ongoing, further changes will be announced in due course.

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